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Greek Feta Cheese Pie

Mama Konstantina 
makes this traditional
 feta cheese pie for more 
than 50 years !

Total time
Main Ingredients:
  • 500 grams feta
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill
  • 3 eggs
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 12 phyllo sheets defrosted
  • LIÁ extra virgin olive oil
Preheat oven at 350 F (180 C)
Grease (with olive oil) a 9X13 inch (25X35 cm) casserole dish or pan. In a large bowl smash the feta with a fork.
Add the mint, dill and pepper and mix.
In a small bowl beat the eggs and add them to the cheese mixture along with one tablespoon olive oil. Mix well.
Prepare your working area so that you have space to spread the phyllo.
Remove your first phyllo sheet carefully and spread it on the bottom of the pan. If it is too big you can scrunch it to fit. Brush with olive oil. Place the second phyllo on top of the first phyllo and brush with olive oil and continue until you have spread 6 sheets of phyllo.
Spread the cheese mixture over the phyllo making sure it is spread evenly.
Cover with 5-6 more phyllo sheets repeating the same process (brushing with olive oil). Brush the top layer with olive oil and score. Cut only through the phyllo (not all the way down).
Sprinkle with sesame seeds, splash a bit of water on top with your fingers and place in the oven.
Bake for about 40 minutes.
Lift side slightly to make sure the bottom is baked. Place on the bottom of the oven for another 5 minutes.
Let it cool for 15 minutes and cut in pieces.